Hello, my name is Amirah and I took on the roles of creating the head and base sculptures, filming content for the short film and helping to develop this website.

My main role was to create the head and base sculpture, in which I recruited numerous recycled materials including newspapers, parcels and styrofoam to do so.

I initially sketched out this sculpture to how I had first envisioned it, but you can see in my initial sketch I had not included a base.

This is because it was only until I began collecting the recycled materials that I realised creating a base would not only solidify the whole sculpture, but enlarge the physical art piece and hopefully attract more people towards it.

I was also involved in the initial ideas to create a short film which visualised the downfall of our planet, which led to my decisions of creating a slot in the head of the sculpture so a mobile device could be inserted and could play this film.

Regarding the short film, I filmed a variety of content, such as the scenes in nature, public spaces such as train stations and shopping centres, and I also recreated two of the environmental issues my group and I decided we would recreate in order to portray the issues our planet is currently facing. Of course this re-enactment could not cause further harm to the environment, therefore I recreated the flooding by overfilling a jug of water and recreated the melting ice caps by heating some ice cubes on a hot saucepan.
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