A Vision of The Future
'A Vision Of The Future' is a collaborative project focusing on the absence of the permanence of a future due to the way we are currently treating the planet. This installation comprises of a head and shoulder sculpture of a human body created out of recycled products and papier mache to emphasise the irony of how us humans are treating the planet. A horizontal slot in the head of the sculpture holds a mobile device that plays an experimental short film that we have filmed and edited. The film will visualise the downfall of our planet, covering issues such as global warming, oil spills and landfills ect. The video will be in black and white to resemble a human memory and will include a spoken word voiceover as well as subtitles to make it accessible for deaf and blind audiences. There will also be a bluetooth speaker connected to said device to amplify the sound of the short film and create an immersive experience.
Click Here To Learn About The Sculpture
Watch the Short Film Here
About This Project
Meet The Team:
The Installation
Click Here To Learn About The Short Film